Jen MacDonald

I consider myself a newcomer. I took several art classes in undergrad. While working full time and raising a family, I squeezed in a few classes (printmaking, clay, oil painting) whenever I could. In 2019 I decided to study acrylics and absolutely fell in LOVE with it.

My painting process strikes the balance of thoughtful yet sometimes unusual compositions and intuitive but playful placement of color.

I use my own photos taken while outside being an intentional observer of nature. Flowers are my main focus as they inspire me with their stunning beauty, intricate details, shapes and vibrant colors.

Flowers ignite all my senses. Smell: intoxicating fragrances of lilacs, touch: soft petals and thorns, endless texture, sight: from examining intricate pattern and details to large bouquets bursting like fireworks of color to dense gardens that direct your eyes softly through layers of colors, taste: a rose latte or lavender frosted cupcakes, and finally sound: getting close enough to hear movement of flowers from wind and bees buzzing in and out of flowers.

I hope my work will invoke a sense of calmness in your heart and bring joy to your home.


Please find my work here and I’d love for you to keep in touch!

Instagram: @jenmacd_art



Join my class! I teach at Artascope Studios.


Susan Longley


Emma McHold-Burke